Advisory Board

This well-regarded group of advisors guides the MPC's research agenda and assists with funding opportunities.

Scott Allard Headshot

Scott Allard

Associate Dean and Professor, University of Washington

Lance Freeman Headshot

Lance Freeman

University of Pennsylvania

Paul Jargowsky Headshot

Paul Jargowsky

Rutgers University

Blair Ruble Headshot

Blair Ruble

Distinguished Fellow,
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Thomas Sugrue Headshot

Thomas Sugrue

New York University

William Julius Wilson Headshot

William Julius Wilson

University Professor, Emeritus,
Harvard University

Don Beyer Jr. Headshot

The Honorable 
Don Beyer, Jr.

Virginia 8th Congressional District

Ester Fuchs Headshot

Ester Fuchs

Columbia University

Vicky Wilkins Headshot

Vicky Wilkins

Acting Provost,
American University

Clarence Stone Headshot

Clarence Stone

Research Professor, The George Washington University
and Emeritus Professor, University of Maryland

Margery Austin Turner Headshot

Margery Austin Turner

Institute Fellow,
Urban Institute