Signature Events at Kay Spiritual Life Center

In addition to the many religious services that take place in the Kay Spiritual Life Center, the Office of the University Chaplain hosts many on-going signature programs throughout the semester. Our events are designed to provoke thought, stir discussion, and to build community across the campus.

Tea Time

Tea Time

The Office of the University Chaplain hosts an outdoor tea time on the front steps of the Kay Spiritual Life Center on Tuesdays from 2 to 3pm of the academic year. All are welcome to enjoy a free drink and a time of casual fellowship!

Soup with Substance

Soup with Substance

In partnership with departments across the university, this monthly, engaging lunch program centers on the menu of a simple vegetarian meal and discussions of substance. Topics continually change to reflect current events and the interests of the AU community.

Kay Open House

Cupcakes at the Flaming Cupcake

The Kay Spiritual Life Center building is affectionately known as the “flaming cupcake” due to its shape and flame. In this spirit, we host an annual open house featuring our diverse belief communities and serve - you guessed it - cupcakes!

Black background with an assortment of vegetables and a spoon spanning the right side of the image

Food for Thought

Gather in the Lounge at 6pm every Sunday for #Food4Thought. Consider what's important to you and why over a simple, vegetarian meal to reflect commitment to inclusion and the environment. Following the meal is an open and ecumenical service in the Chapel led by University Chaplain, Rev. O and offered in partnership with the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. All students of any beliefs are welcome to participate in this time of contemplative reflection.

Advent Service

Advent Service of Lessons & Carols

All are welcome to a service led by our University Chaplain at the end of each fall semester featuring Christian songs and readings of the nativity.


Black History Month Commemoration Service

A service of lament and commitment to justice is held in the spring semester, featuring music from the AU Gospel Choir and MLK awards and grants through the Center for Community Engagement and Service.


Baccalaureate Service

At the end of each spring semester, a celebration for graduates, families, and friends is held at the Kay Spiritual Life Center. The service is guided by the United Methodist tradition and all are welcome.   

Kay Conversations

Kay Conversations

We host prominent speakers to facilitate conversations and explore questions around faith and public life.  


Student Retreats

The Office of the University Chaplain hosts special retreats for students during various stages of the college experience to provide spiritual support and space for vocational discernment.