You are here: American University School of Education Leadership
The School of Education's Leadership Team
Interim Dean and Professor
Dr. Rodney Hopson,
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Innovation
Dr. Corbin M. Campbell,
Chief Development Officer
Danielle Bowes,
Associate Dean for Research, Programs, and Partnerships; Director of Graduate Teacher Education and Academic Programs; and Hurst Senior Professorial Lecturer
Dr. Carolyn Parker,
Director, Strategic Communications and Marketing
Jason Pier,
Director of Academic Administration
Alex Ward,
Undergraduate Program & Director Information
- Teacher Education
Ocheze Joseph, Director of Undergraduate Programs, Teacher Education, and Senior Professorial Lecturer
Graduate Program & Director Information
- Antiracist Administration Supervision and Leadership Certificate Program
Terence Ngwa, Director of the Antiracist Administration, Supervision, and Leadership Certificate Program; Director of the International Training Education Program; and Senior Professorial Lecturer - Education Policy and Leadership (EdD)
Dr. William N. Thomas IV, Director of EdD Program, Professorial Lecturer, and AUx Faculty Fellow - Education Policy and Leadership (MEd)
Reuben Jacobson, Director of Education Policy and Leadership Program and Senior Professorial Lecturer - International Training and Education
Terence Ngwa, Director of the Antiracist Administration, Supervision, and Leadership Certificate Program; Director of the International Training Education Program; and Senior Professorial Lecturer - Teacher Education
Carolyn Parker, Director of Graduate Teacher Education and Academic Programs and Senior Professorial Lecturer
Dr. Rodney Hopson published "'That Does Not Apply': Graduate Students' (Mis)Perceptions of the Racial Climate in STEMM" in the journal Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, and edited the book Theories Bridging Ethnography and Evaluation: Making Transformative, Intersectional, and Comparative Connections for the Emerald Book series Studies in Educational Ethnography. [October 15, 2024]
"A Dual-Enrollment Program for D.C. High School Students Could Help Fill Classrooms in the Future"
"Opinion: Educators Must Prepare for the Dismantling of Affirmative Action"
"Growing Teachers Locally" (Download Link: Options > Download)
Senior Associate Dean Dr. Rodney Hopson was awarded a National Science Foundation supplemental grant with the SEAS Island Alliance project, intended to empower underrepresented students from Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands “to pursue their interest in marine and environmental sciences through scientific and professional development training and mentorship." [October 15, 2024]
Dr. William Thomas IV, Director of the EdD Program, co-authored an article on responsive lesson planning and reflection that centers the motivation of both teachers and public school students, in Perspectives on Urban Education. [October 13, 2024]
In the Education Week article "How These Teachers Build Curriculum ‘Beyond Black History,’" Senior Associate Dean and Professor Dr. Rodney Hopson spoke about his evaluation of a new Black studies curriculum in New York City. [April 24, 2024]
AU recognized Hurst Senior Professorial Lecturer Dr. Carolyn A. Parker with a Faculty Award. Parker won the Outstanding Contribution to Fostering Collaborative Scholarship Award. [April 24, 2024]
Antiracist Pedagogy Scholar Dr. Annice Fisher and former Dean Dr. Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy co-wrote the Diverse: Issues in Higher Education op-ed, “Beyond Statements Toward Action: Maintaining the Antiracist Promise During the Anti-DEI Movement,” where they shared six lessons learned about sustaining organizational change amid polarization. [April 24, 2024]