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Call for Scholarship Applications

Access to Knowledge in the Multilateral System Geneva, Switzerland, June 12-16, 2023, 15h00-18h00 CET Apply here by April 1, 2023 

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Photo by Stephane Pecorini (CC-BY-SA)

PIJIP is offering 15 scholarships to attend a certificate course on Access to Knowledge in the Multilateral System to be held in Geneva, Switzerland. The scholarships are designed for representatives of organizations or governments who participate in meetings of the World Intellectual Property Organization Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR). The course will feature lectures and exercises examining the legal issues being considered by the World Intellectual Property Organization Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, including the Broadcast Treaty and the agenda on limitations and exceptions.

The 5-day in-person training will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, June 12-16, 2023. Attendees of at least 70% of the class sessions will receive a Certificate of Completion from American University Washington College of Law. Scholarships for those from outside of Geneva will include 5-nights hotel accommodation. Please note that scholarships do not include travel costs or meals and expenses during the training.

Scholarship recipients may also attend a 4-day online Introduction to International Intellectual Property course taught by Michael Carroll May 31-June 2, 9am-12pm EST / 15h00-18h00 CET. 

A separate scholarship is available for up to five (5) Geneva-based delegates from developing countries or countries in transition to attend the two-week in-person course WTO, WIPO and the Multilateral System, Geneva, Switzerland June 12 - June 24, 2023 (apply at Application This course runs in the mornings (9h00 - 13h00 CET) and may be taken in addition to the A2K in the Multilateral System Course for a separate Certificate of Completion. 

These scholarships are provided as part of PIJIP’s Right to Research to International Copyright project supported by Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.