Overview of the MedsPaL Database
Amina Maillard
Medicines Patent Pool
September 15, 2020
10:00am EST | 4:00pm CET
MedsPaL is the Medicines Patent Pool’s patents and licenses database, a free resource provides information on the intellectual property status of selected patent essential medicines in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The database includes patent and licensing data covering over 8,500 national patent applications on 110 priority medicines (220 formulations) in more than 130 LMICs. In March 2020, it was expanded to provide patent information on treatments currently being tested for COVID-19.
MedsPaL: www.medspal.org
Amina Maillard joined the Medicines Patent Pool in September 2018 as Patent Information Manager. Part of the Policy and Advocacy team, she manages our Patents and Licenses Database MedsPaL and performs patent searches and analyses.
This webinar is hosted by the FTA-Medicines-Empirics Network, an informal group formed at the Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest in 2018. Its goal is to advance the empirical study of the impact of TRIPS-Plus Free Trade Agreements (and FTA provisions) on access to pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and diagnostics. To join the email list, visit tinyurl.com/fme-subscribe