IP & the Public Interest Speaker Series
Intellectual Property, Regulation, and Policy
Daniel Takash
March 1, 2023 | 12:00pm ET | 16:00pm UTC | Virtual
Hosted by Charles Duan
About the talk
Daniel Takash, will discuss the role of think tanks in the policymaking process including what they do, what their theory of change is, and what they offer. Think tanks work both directly and indirectly in the policymaking process and have an important role to play in supporting the functioning of all three branches of the federal government. He will specifically talk about the role think tanks play in the day-to-day implementation of intellectual property laws and broader discussions about the nature of intellectual property, regulation, and industrial policy.
Daniel Takash is the regulatory policy fellow at the Niskanen Center, a public policy think tank that covers a wide range of issues to advance an open society by active engagement in the war of ideas, direct engagement in the policymaking process, and through the courts with amicus briefs and pro bono representation. He researches regulatory policies with a focus on regressive regulations and rent-seeking. He works on the relationship between intellectual property and inequality, growth inefficiency, private property rights, and free speech. He has a B.S. from Johns Hopkins University in Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Political Science. His last name rhymes with "brackish."
Charles Duan, is a senior policy fellow with American University Washington College of Law’s Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property. He is also a member of the Patent Public Advisory Committee of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, is a senior fellow with the R Street Institute, a D.C. think tank, and was formerly the Director of the Patent Reform Project at Public Knowledge. His work and research focuses on intellectual property policy and its effects on the public interest in a variety of technology fields. Charles has a J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Intellectual property laws such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks have tremendous impact on the public interest—essential medicines, telecommunications, freedom of expression, and consumer protection. In this speaker series, we will be joined by intellectual property experts at public-interest nonprofit organizations. They will discuss the big issues in IP law, as well as career path options in this unique field. These conversations will be of interest to seasoned practitioners looking to learn about key developments in law and policy, and students and young lawyers looking for less traveled job options in fast-moving and impactful fields.