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Hannah George
American Politics
February 26, 2018 | When I decided to attend the AU Gap program, I knew that I wanted to use the unique opportunity to get involved in work that I was passionate about. This intent was what eventually drove me towards my internship with Vital Voices Global Partnership, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering women leaders all over the world to reach their full potential. Founded by Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright, among others, Vital Voices has provided a key mentorship and support network to a diverse population of women spanning the globe. As someone deeply passionate about female empowerment and leadership, an internship with Vital Voices is an incredible opportunity to gain a first-hand understanding of the nonprofit sector, the inner workings of a global network, and above all, the power of women empowering women.
With just a month of my internship under my belt, I have already gained a range of invaluable experiences. I have gotten to sit-in on fascinating panels and meetings and have been exposed to a wide variety of projects within the organization. I have the pleasure of working with a fantastic group of women and men who make every effort to ensure that my internship is an enriching learning experience. The skills I have acquired and the lessons I have learned from them thus far have already significantly strengthened my professional abilities.
Yet, what really makes interning with Vital Voices such an important experience for me is being welcomed into a movement of women and men working together to ignite change towards a future of gender equality. To work in an environment of inclusion, empowerment, and optimism, as well as to explore a viable career path before attending college, has given me an invaluable opportunity to develop and explore my passions. I am beyond excited to continue to learn and grow through my AU Gap experience!