Jonathan Crock Professorial Lecturer SIS | PHR&CR | Peace, Human Rights & Cultural Relations
- Additional Positions at AU
- Founding Director, Futures of Democracy, Tech & Human Rights Lab
- Bio
Jonathan Crock is an expert in democracy and human rights law. He researches the human right to democratic decision-making, including new developments in rights of direct political democracy, environmental democracy, workplace democracy, democratic control of technology, and the human right to democratic decision-making in global governance. His research focuses on how innovations in democracy that shift power can help dismantle neocolonialism and systemic racism, sexism, and classism.
Professor Crock has given talks at Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Chicago, Cornell Law School, University of Michigan, University of Melbourne Law School (Australia), Georgetown University Law Center, University of Maryland School of Law, The New School, University of London (England), University of Dundee (Scotland), University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), University of California—Santa Barbara, Fordham University, College of William & Mary, Rutgers University, and American University, among others. He is completing his Ph.D. at Leiden University (Netherlands). He holds a master’s in international human rights law (Oxford), LL.B. law degree (London), certificat universitaire in international relations and conflict analysis (Louvain), and bachelor’s in politics and international relations (London).
Professor Crock's previous experience includes working at the U.S. Department of State’s Office of War Crimes Issues, U.S. Institute of Peace, Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Agency for International Development, Supreme Court of the United States, and as a foreign policy advisor on U.S. presidential campaigns. He previously taught at George Washington University and the College of William and Mary. He has lived, worked, and traveled in over 80 countries and speaks French, Russian, and Polish.
Cutting-Edge Human Rights
I welcome new students interested in a wide range of cutting-edge human rights, including but not limited to the areas listed below. Over 180 of my students have published their coursework in leading human rights publications and have authored human rights reports that have been cited by UN and other human rights bodies in these areas.
• Artificial intelligence (AI), technology, and human rights
• Decolonizing democracy, participatory and deliberative democracy, citizens' assemblies
• Right to decolonization, right to political, economic, social, and cultural self-determination
• Intersectional rights
• Right to racial equity and non-discrimination
• Rights of Indigenous peoples
• Right to reparations
• Women’s rights, gender rights
• LGBTQIA2S+ and diverse SOGIESC rights
• Refugee and migrant persons rights
• Disability rights
• Genocide, mass atrocities, and international humanitarian law
• Transitional justice, conflict resolution, and peace-building
• Decolonization, global inequality, and poverty as a crime against humanity
• Environmental rights, animal rights, rights of nature, right to sustainable development
• Economic, social, and cultural rights
• Right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health
• Modern monetary theory, monetary and fiscal policy, and human rights
• Trade, intellectual property (IP), investment, and human rights
• Business and human rights; corporate social responsibility (CSR); environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
• Workplace democracy, cooperative workplaces, and labor rights
• Inter-American, African, European, Arab, ASEAN, other human rights law and systems
Website: www.jonathancrock.com
- See Also
- Prof. Jonathan Crock Website
- For the Media
- To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.
Fall 2024
SIS-622 Human Rights
SISU-419 Senior Capstone: Int'l Studies: The U.S. & Int'l Human Rights
Spring 2025
SISU-270 Justice, Ethics & Human Rights
SISU-270 Justice, Ethics & Human Rights
SISU-370 Topics Just/Ethics/Human Rgts: Human Rgts/Tech/Glbl Security