4400 Mass Ave

Stuck on You 

Laptop stickers make a bold statement 


Photo­graphy by
Theodore Chaffman, SIS/BA '20

six laptops with an array of decorative stickers

In the quiet of Bender Library, students let their laptop stickers do all the talking. She’s a Red Sox fan, he’s a space advocate (outer, not personal). That guy supports the NRA, this guy’s an RHA (residence hall assistant). And nearly everyone would rather be doing something other than studying: hiking, skiing, drinking tea, sipping coffee, stopping bigotry. Theodore Chaffman, SIS/BA ’20, recently trained his lens on some of AU’s most elaborately decorated laptops. These are the images that stuck.

six laptops decorated with an array of colorful stickers
six laptops decorated with an array of colorful stickers
six laptops decorated with an array of colorful stickers
six laptops decorated with an array of colorful stickers
six laptops decorated with an array of colorful stickers