You are here: American University Finance Communications 2021 Annual Campus Climate Control Adjustments

Memorandum April 14, 2021

American University Community
Vin Harkins, AVP, Facilities Management
Annual Campus Climate Control Adjustments

As spring temperatures rise, plans are underway for the annual change from heating to cooling in all campus buildings. As most buildings on campus are not equipped with the option to switch between heating and cooling simultaneously depending on outside temperatures, Facilities must pick a time to stop heating, make the necessary temperature programming changes, and begin cooling.   

Based on forecasted weather patterns for the next three weeks, we have determined that the heating systems will be shut off this weekend (April 16 – 18).  Building temperature programming will take place during the next week (April 19 – 23).  Cooling will be enabled across campus by April 26. 

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Mark Freedman at x2378 or, or the 2FIX/Customer Response Center at x2349 or email visit our web page for this and all other service notifications: