2024 Academic Calendar Four-Term Online Programs
Jan-Mar Term 1: Start of term; start of classes
Jan-Mar Term 1: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; no classes, university offices closed
Jan-Mar Term 1: Last day to add a course; last day to drop a course for a 100% refund and without a W recorded; deadline to apply to graduate
Jan-Mar Term 1: Term 1 withdrawal period begins (withdraw recorded on record; 50% refund)
Jan-Mar Term 1: Make up classes for those not held on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan-Mar Term 1: Last day to withdraw from a Term 1 course for a 50% refund
Jan-Mar Term 1: Last day to withdraw from a Term 1 course for a 25% refund
Jan-Mar Term 1: Last day to withdraw from a Term 1 course or change a grade option
Jan-Mar Term 1: End of classes
Jan-Mar Term 1: End of term
Jan-Mar Term 1: Official Degree Award Date (date that appears on March diplomas; no event associated with this date)
Apr-Jun Term 2: Start of term; start of classes
Apr-Jun Term 2: Last day to add a course; last day to drop a course for a 100% refund and without a W recorded; deadline to apply to graduate (Students planning to participate in the May Commencement ceremony should apply by TBD)
Apr-Jun Term 2: Term 2 withdrawal period begins (withdraw recorded on record; 50% refund)
Apr-Jun Term 2: Last day to withdraw from a Term 2 course for a 50% refund
Apr-Jun Term 2: Last day to withdraw from a Term 2 course for a 25% refund (no refunds after this date)
Apr-Jun Term 2: Last day to withdraw from a Term 2 course or change a grade option
Apr-Jun Term 2: Memorial Day; no classes, university offices closed
Apr-Jun Term 2: Make up classes for those not held on Memorial Day
Apr-Jun Term 2: End of classes
Juneteenth; no classes, university offices closed
Apr-Jun Term 2: End of term
Apr-Jun Term 2: Official Degree Award Date (date that appears on June diplomas; no event associated with this date)
Jul-Sep Term 3: Start of term; start of classes
Jul-Sep Term 3: Independence Day; no classes, university offices closed
Jul-Sep Term 3: Make up classes for July 4
Jul-Sep Term 3: Last day to add a course; last day to drop a course for a 100% refund and without a W recorded; deadline to apply to graduate
Jul-Sep Term 3: Term 3 withdrawal period begins (withdraw recorded on record; 50% refund)
Jul-Sep Term 3: Last day to withdraw from a Term 3 course with 50% refund
Jul-Sep Term 3: Last day to withdraw from a Term 3 course with 25% refund
Jul-Sep Term 3: Last day to withdraw from a Term 3 course
Jul-Sep Term 3: Labor Day; no classes, university offices closed
Jul-Sep Term 3: Make up classes for those not held on Labor Day
Jul-Sep Term 3: End of classes
Jul-Sep Term 3: End of term
Jul-Sep Term 3: Official Degree Award Date (date that appears on September diplomas; no event associated with this date)
Oct-Dec Term 4: Start of term; start of classes
Oct-Dec Term 4: Last day to add a course; last day to drop a course for a 100% refund and without a W recorded; deadline to apply to graduate
Oct-Dec Term 4: Term 4 withdrawal period begins (withdraw recorded on record; 50% refund)
Oct-Dec Term 4: Last day to withdraw from a Term 4 course for a 50% refund
Oct-Dec Term 4: Last day to withdraw from a Term 4 course for a 25% refund (no refunds after this date)
Oct-Dec Term 4: Election Day; no classes; university offices closed
Oct-Dec Term 4: Last day to withdraw from a Term 4 course or change a grade option
Oct-Dec Term 4: Thanksgiving holiday; no classes; university offices closed Thursday and Friday
Oct-Dec Term 4: Make up classes for those not held on Thanksgiving
Oct-Dec Term 4: End of classes
Oct-Dec Term 4: End of term
Oct-Dec Term 4: Fall Commencement Ceremony for August and December graduates
Oct-Dec Term 4: Official Degree Award Date (date that appears on December diplomas; no event associated with this date)